Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the lottery

1# In the book it is when someone gets picked to be stoned by complete random selection. In real life it is when you take a chance on winning something. It makes you expect that someone in the book is going to win something. Instead of losing something in it. So it is pretty much the exact opposite of what you would think.

#8 Yes you could. Because the commentator knows everything thats going on just not what is mostly in there head. It is effective because it tells the story well. It also does not really give away who is going to win or lose the lottery and it puts it in everybodys point of view.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

pauls case

#2 He appears as though he is nervouse. He is also always looking around and figeting. He also has a certain look in his eye that makes the teachers uneasy. Paul doesn't wear well fighting clothes either when he is in front of the teachers. His eyes are sort of glassy yet they are intellegent at the same time.

#5 Paul is a devoloping charecter because of how you get to no him as the story goes on. He changes when he starts to want to go do weird things and when he really starts to love the arts. He also changes when he go to new york and when he killed himself.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

white elephant

#2 It is indicated they used to date each other. They talk about how they used to love each other and how she hates him. It has gone way down hill. I don't no why. We don't no why. I think that is inaccurate because they won't be together.

#7 It shows that they are in a very suburban area. it also shows that they want to go back to the hills were they used to be. Its contributed about the white elephant. It tells what they are thinking about and stuff.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

max l. 10/2

It is significant because it shows that he is not trying very hard to help the blind man. It shows that he doesn't care. It tells us tat he is mean and feels insecure.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

i got the skillls to pay the billllls
My name is Max and I looove grilled cheeezz