Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the lottery

1# In the book it is when someone gets picked to be stoned by complete random selection. In real life it is when you take a chance on winning something. It makes you expect that someone in the book is going to win something. Instead of losing something in it. So it is pretty much the exact opposite of what you would think.

#8 Yes you could. Because the commentator knows everything thats going on just not what is mostly in there head. It is effective because it tells the story well. It also does not really give away who is going to win or lose the lottery and it puts it in everybodys point of view.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

pauls case

#2 He appears as though he is nervouse. He is also always looking around and figeting. He also has a certain look in his eye that makes the teachers uneasy. Paul doesn't wear well fighting clothes either when he is in front of the teachers. His eyes are sort of glassy yet they are intellegent at the same time.

#5 Paul is a devoloping charecter because of how you get to no him as the story goes on. He changes when he starts to want to go do weird things and when he really starts to love the arts. He also changes when he go to new york and when he killed himself.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

white elephant

#2 It is indicated they used to date each other. They talk about how they used to love each other and how she hates him. It has gone way down hill. I don't no why. We don't no why. I think that is inaccurate because they won't be together.

#7 It shows that they are in a very suburban area. it also shows that they want to go back to the hills were they used to be. Its contributed about the white elephant. It tells what they are thinking about and stuff.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

max l. 10/2

It is significant because it shows that he is not trying very hard to help the blind man. It shows that he doesn't care. It tells us tat he is mean and feels insecure.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

i got the skillls to pay the billllls
My name is Max and I looove grilled cheeezz

the lesson

#3 The relationship is sort of a love hate relationship. Sylvia is more sivilized and polite compared sugar. I think that sugar is quite shrewed. She is afraid of embarasing herself so she doesnt want to go into the store

#4 It suggest by the way she looked. It sugested that there is more in the way than that but she does not understand yet. She has to no how to reach the top like she wants to.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the swmmer

Hes trying to say about the relentlessness of the people from that era.

Monday, September 22, 2008

everyday use

#4 Yes I think it does. It shows that she will stand up for herself. She has never done anything like it because she was scared. She was always the one who got stepped on but then she stood up for herself because it was a new age. The details show you that she that she doesn't like dee.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

max l

#2 The plot illuminates it by the way Mr. kapasias likes mr.das. He is strongly intrigued to her just because she was being nice to him for a little while. But she didn’t have any feelings for him. I think that the indian one is. It is because most of os don’t no much a bout it.

#8 It suggests that in his future he will be sad. Mrs. Das made him think badly about himself. He will forever be sadder because of his experience. He will think of himself worse from then on. It was a sad ending.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

#1 I think that trevor is the protganist. He ended up being the leader of all the happenings of the gang and is in charge. I think that the antagonist was the gang. They were the ones as a group that did all of the bad stuff to every one and recked mr. thomas house. The conflicts were between the gang and mr. thomas. Also between blackie and trevor.
#5 It is significant because of how the house was the only one standing in the lot that had been bombed. It was also signifcant in the kids thinking about ruining the house. It doesn't any thing to say about the consequences I don't think. I don't really has to much to say about the causee of war either.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

homework 9/12

#3 I think that that they are both very characterized. The book tells you a lot about both of the characters. I think that rainsford is very intelligent and is very level headed when he thinks through. Zaroff though is quite brutal and insane to say the least but he is also somewhat smart. Yes i think they are both plausible. They both have very realistic backgrounds and in zaroffs case there are some very crazy people out there.
#4 He had that part to put an idea in your about who rainsford is. Yes I think it does, it shows that he has no problem hunting. Yes he does undergo big changes. By the end of the book he realized how terrible it was to hunt things I think, but he also got a little brutal. Yes you get to know him better.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9/11 homework

#8. He felt angry about going to the bazaar. He was angry because he had gone because of a girl but he was disappointed by the outcome of it. Yes they are he had gotten his hopes up about going to the bazaar but he was disapointed. He had waited and waited for his auncle but when he went to the bazaar it wasn't that fun at all. I think it will make him thing through what he does socially from then on. It will also make him not do stuff over girls as much.
#3. She liked her life in Dublin because it was very interesting. She was always living on the edge by trying to escape her dads angers. She also had to keep the house running by getting food and getting money for her family. I think that she also liked the constant hustle and bussel of her life in Dublin. I think she was also affraid of leaving her home there for a strange new world.
#7. She is sympithetic. She is always trying to keep her family up and if she was un-sympithetic she wouldn't. I think she is a victim of circumstances beyond her control. She was born into a family that is very messed up and that led her to leed a hard life. The issues make up the major theme I think. If her family wasn't different there would be no choice of wether to go or not because her family would help her decide.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Welcome to your blog, Max.