Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9/11 homework

#8. He felt angry about going to the bazaar. He was angry because he had gone because of a girl but he was disappointed by the outcome of it. Yes they are he had gotten his hopes up about going to the bazaar but he was disapointed. He had waited and waited for his auncle but when he went to the bazaar it wasn't that fun at all. I think it will make him thing through what he does socially from then on. It will also make him not do stuff over girls as much.
#3. She liked her life in Dublin because it was very interesting. She was always living on the edge by trying to escape her dads angers. She also had to keep the house running by getting food and getting money for her family. I think that she also liked the constant hustle and bussel of her life in Dublin. I think she was also affraid of leaving her home there for a strange new world.
#7. She is sympithetic. She is always trying to keep her family up and if she was un-sympithetic she wouldn't. I think she is a victim of circumstances beyond her control. She was born into a family that is very messed up and that led her to leed a hard life. The issues make up the major theme I think. If her family wasn't different there would be no choice of wether to go or not because her family would help her decide.

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